Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance and punctuality is crucial to children’s achievement and contentment at school. If children are at school, they will benefit from the quality and breadth of the curriculum offered here. Our attendance target this year is 97%.
Punctuality is a life skill and a habit which needs to be established at a young age. Crucial learning takes places from the start of the school day including daily phonics and reading. Punctuality is a mark of an attitude towards school and learning, and lateness has a negative impact on learning.
The school day starts at 9.00 and the school gates are closed promptly in the morning to encourage good punctuality.
At Harry Gosling School we celebrate children’s achievements.
- The school recognises good and improved attendance/punctuality by giving out certificates for attendance every term.
- A reward is given at the end of the year to children who have achieved 100%.
- Class attendance for the preceding week is read out in the weekly assembly and published in the ‘Harry Gosling Weekly News’. The class in each Key Stage with the highest attendance receives a trophy.
- An annual raffle is organised with a cash prize. Each month children with 100% attendance and punctuality have a ticket added during an assembly.